
martedì 16 marzo 2010


Ricevo da Sara Protrasi (Yale) e pubblico qui.

Call for Proposals

Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA)


May 18-21, 2011
University of Windsor

Keynote speakers:

David Hitchock
Department of Philosophy
McMaster University

Paul Thagard
Department of Philosophy
University of Waterloo

Karen Tracy
Communication Department
University of Colorado

The Organizing Committee invites proposals for papers which deal with argumentation,
especially as it intersects with cognition and/or community.

Abstracts prepared for blind refereeing must be submitted electronically no later than SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 to> (write ‘[your last name] OSSA abstract’ in the subject line). They should be between 200 and 250 words long. Additional information on how to prepare proposals is available on the conference website,

OSSA wishes to promote the work of graduate students and young scholars in

the field of argumentation studies. Thus we strongly encourage submissions from this group.

The J. Anthony Blair Prize ($500 CDN) is awarded to the student paper presented at the Conference judged to be especially worthy of recognition. The competition is open to all students whose proposals are accepted for the Conference.

Canadian graduate students who need financial assistance in order to attend should advise the Organizing Committee when they submit their proposals. For the purpose of the Conference, a graduate student is one who has not completed the graduate program by September 7, 2010. (Additional information about this prize will also be available on the website.)

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