Vi segnalo un po' di conferenze, con relativo cfp.
(1) Morality and the Cognitive Sciences, 7h International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Riga, Latvia, 6-8 maggio 2011.
Deadline cfp (3000 parole): 15 gennaio.
(2) The 15th annual meeting of the ASSC (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness). Kyoto, Japan, 9-12 giugno 2011.
Deadline call for abstracts (250 parole): 1 febbraio
(3) Joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Sussex, UK, 8-10 Luglio 2011.
Deadline cfp (2000 parole): 1 febbraio.
(4) ECAP 7- 7th European Conference of Analytic Philosophy. Milano, Italia, 1-6 Settembre 2011.
Deadline call for abstracts (1000 parole): 20 febbraio.
(5) First PLM Conference (Philosophy of Language and Mind European Network), Stockholm, Svezia, 16-18 September 2011
Deadline call for abstract: 31 marzo.
(6) 3rd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Atene, Grecia, 5-8 Ottobre 2011.
Deadline call for abstracts (1000 parole): 28 febbraio.
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