7th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication
6-8 May 2011, Riga, Latvia.

INVITED ORGANIZERS: Michael Bishop (Florida State University), Stephen Stich (Rutgers University)


  • Michael Bishop (Florida State University)
  • Luc Faucher (Université du Québec a Montréal)
  • Joshua Knobe (Yale University)
  • Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Dominic Murphy (University of Sydney)
  • Shaun Nichols (University of Arizona)
  • Jesse Prinz (City University of New York)
  • Adina Roskies (Dartmouth College)
  • Don Ross (University of Cape Town)
  • Stephen Stich (Rutgers University)
  • Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota)

There has been considerable interest recently in empirical approaches to the study of morality: What are the biological, cultural and psychological factors that explain the shape of our moral judgments, norms and practices? This conference will focus on current research into these facts – particularly findings from cognitive science – and their relevance to a philosophical theory of morality.

The symposium is co-hosted by the Center for Cognitive Sciences and Semantics of the University of Latvia and the Department of Philosophy at Kansas State University

Call for Submitted papers:

A limited number of papers will be selected for presentation at the symposium and considered for inclusion in the proceedings in the Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication.

Time allowed for presentations is 40 minutes including discussion. Submitted papers should have a maximum of 3000 words and should be accompanied by a 200 words abstract.

All submitted papers should be PREPARED FOR BLIND REVIEW, and should be sent electronically to:

bolzano (at) ksu.edu

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS 15 JANUARY 2011. Authors will be notified in FEBRUARY 2011.

Symposium proposal:

In addition to individual papers, the scientific committee will be considering proposals for symposia. Time allowed for symposia is 2 hours (including discussion). Symposia should include a minimum of three and a maximum of four contributions. Submissions should be clearly identified as “Symposium proposal” and include:

1) The title of the symposium
2) A brief description of the topic and its relevance to the conference (200 words)
3) The name, affiliation and academic status (student, lecturer, assistant professor, etc.) of each participant
4) The title of each contribution as well as an extended 500-1000 word abstract.
5) The name, affiliation and academic status of the person who will be chairing the symposium

Symposium proposals should be sent electronically to:

bolzano (at) ksu.edu

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS 15 JANUARY 2011. Authors will be notified in FEBRUARY 2011.